Brush up on your fitness industry currency with the professional development resources below.



Evidence-Based Practice: Functional Training

Date: 02 March 2017

Presenter(s): Dr Mark McKean

Source: Australian Fitness Network

Format: Short Article

To Flex or Rest: Does Adding No-Load Isometric Actions to the Inter-Set Rest Period in Resistance Training Enhance Muscular Adaptations? A Randomized-Controlled Trial

Date: 15 January 2020

Presenter(s): Schoenfeld, B. J., et al.

Source: Frontiers in Physiology

Format: Peer-Reviewed Article


Science of Exercise

Description: Learners who complete Science of Exercise will have an improved physiological understanding of how your body responds to exercise, and will be able to identify behaviors, choices, and environments that impact your health and training. You will explore a number of significant adjustments required by your body in order to properly respond to the physical stress of exercise, including changes in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, nutritional considerations, causes of muscle soreness & fatigue, and the effectiveness and dangers of performance enhancing drugs. Active learning assessments will challenge you to apply this new knowledge via nutrition logs, heart rate monitoring, calculations of your total daily caloric expenditure and body mass index (BMI). Finally, learners will examine the scientific evidence for the health benefits of exercise including the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity (weight loss), depression, and dementia.

Presenter(s): Robert Mazzeo, Ph.D.

Source: Coursera

Format: Online Course

Personalisation Through Epigenetics, Embryology, Somatotypes, Health Types

Description: There are many different body types, with many different strengths, weaknesses and abilities. In this video course, Dr Cam McDonald delves into the world of epigenetics, embryology, somatotypes and health types to explore how our bodies grow to become the sizes and shapes they are. Discover how this information can be used to help you work more effectively with your personal training clients.

Presenter(s): Dr Cam McDonald

Source: Australian Fitness Network

Format: Online Course


FILEX 2020: New Decade, New Rules (Webinar)

Date: 14 January 2020

Presenter(s): Emma Barry

Format: Video

Duration: 50 minutes